Recombination rate data are based on previous reports [18], [50], [51]. Only QTL for traits that differ between the species and/or contribute to reproductive isolation are shown here, so the QTL controlling ectocoracoid bone length and pelvic spine length on LG19 are not shown, because these two traits did not differ between species (Table S3). QTL for hybrid incompatibility are shown in red. Testis-1 and Testis-2, testis size; Court-1 and Court-2: courtship dysfunction; Sperm-1 and Sperm-2, sperm number; BL, body length; BW, body weight; DP-1 and DP-2, mean dorsal pricking intensity; Plate, caudal plate height; 1stDS, first dorsal spine length; maxDP, maximum dorsal pricking intensity.