EMSA of NS1N with 18-bp DNA molecules encompassing two NSBEs. (A) Lanes 1-7, NS1N incubated with NSBE1+2 in various DNA:protein molar ratios. Lane 8 and 9, the 18-bp NSBE1+2 DNA and its upper strand alone, respectively. Lane 10, NS1N incubated with the 28-bp NSBE1+2+3 wt DNA. Lane 11, NS1N incubated with 21-bp non-specific DNA. (B) and (C), are same as (A) except that the 18-bp NSBE2+3 and NSBE3+4 were used in lanes 1-7 respectively. The DNA:protein molar ratios are indicated. The potential nucleoprotein complexes in lane 10 in all panels are indicated with an arrow. Lane M, DNA marker.