Mitochondrial localization of dRIM2 and effects of drim2 silencing on the deoxynucleotides pool contents of S2R+. A, Drosophila cells were transiently transfected with pACT-drim2 HA tagged, incubated with MitoTracker dye (red), and then immunolabeled with the anti-HA antibody (green). Overlay of images confirms the mitochondrial localization of dRIM2. Pyrimidine and purine dNTP pool sizes in cytosol (B) and mitochondria (C) of drim2 silenced S2R+ cells and controls. Pool sizes are expressed as picomoles of dNTP per million cells. Values are means ± S.D. from four experiments for control and five experiments for RNAi (Student's t test *, p < 0.05; ***, p < 0.005).