CDK6 knockdown inhibits mainly cell proliferation, whereas NANOS1 knockdown impedes largely cell invasiveness. A–D, the effect of CDK6 knockdown on the proliferation and invasiveness of H1792 cells. CDK6 mRNA levels were analyzed in siControl-treated and CDK6-depleted (siCDK6-1 or -3) cells using quantitative RT-PCR (A). Cell proliferation (B), BrdU incorporation (C), and invasion (D) assays were performed. E–H, the effect of NANOS1 knockdown on the proliferation and invasiveness of H1792 cells. NANOS1 mRNA levels were analyzed in siControl-treated and NANOS1-depleted (siNANOS1-1 or -3) cells using quantitative RT-PCR (E). Cell proliferation (F), BrdU incorporation (G), and invasion (H) assays were performed. d, days. Data are presented as the mean ± S.E. (error bars). *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01; ***, p < 0.001.