Figure 3. HCN emission from L. corniculatus leaf macerates is strongly reduced in the highly alkaline midgut.
The pH of L. corniculatus leaf macerates is slightly acidic (5.9±0.1 SD, N = 10, green dotted line), whereas the pH measured in the midgut lumen of Z. filipendulae larvae is highly alkaline (10.6±0.1 SD, N = 11, blue dotted line). HCN emission from leaf disc macerates is highest at pH 5–6, which matches the pH of L. corniculatus leaf macerates. However, HCN emission is significantly reduced under highly alkaline conditions at pH 10–11 present in the midgut lumen of Z. filipendulae larvae (one-tailed Student’s t-test, P<0.001). Each data point represents the mean (±SE) of ten independent incubations, i.e. 90 leaf discs were analysed in total.