Figure 3.
Triple Fluorescent Imaging. Triple fluorescence labeling was achieved with a combination of BDA and streptavidin Alexa488 for the projection neurons (green), tetramethylrhodamine for the chorda tympani nerve (CT; red; A), and cascade blue reacted with Cy5 for the glossopharyngeal nerve (IX; blue; B). Both the dorsal CT terminal field and the glossopharyngeal terminal field are visible in one or two (depending on the exact plane of section) 100 μm sections along with projection neurons in both fields. C. Three scans are merged to reveal overlap of retrograde and anterograde labels. Asterisk (*) in each panel marks the same landmark blood vessel. Arrow in C points to the cell illustrated in detail in Figure 4. Tentative NTS border (solid line) is drawn based on brightfield landmarks. Scale = 380 μm in all panels. R = Rostral, L = Lateral, st=solitary tract.