Fig. 1.
TSA1 deletion strains are sensitive to AZC in a ROS-dependent manner. (A) TSA1 deletion strains exhibit aerobic but not anaerobic sensitivity to AZC. Wild-type and tsa1-mutant strains were grown to stationary phase and spotted onto SD medium containing H2O2 (1 mM), AZC (1 mM) or canavanine (Can) (0.2 mM). The strains were grown under either aerobic (3 days) or anaerobic conditions (six days). (B) The peroxidatic cysteine residue is essential for AZC resistance. The indicated strains were grown to stationary phase and spotted onto SD medium containing H2O2 or AZC. tsa1 V, tsa1 mutant with empty vector. (C) AZC sensitivity is not a general feature of antioxidant mutants. The indicated strains were grown to stationary phase and spotted onto SD medium containing H2O2 or AZC. (D) The AZC sensitivity of the tsa1-mutant strain is not due to a deficiency in Yap1 activation. The indicated strains were grown to stationary phase and spotted onto SD medium containing H2O2 or AZC.