Fig. 5.
Expression of (a) hepcidin (HEPC), (b) ferroportin (FPN), (c) divalent metal transporter (DMT) 1, and (d) transferrin receptor (TfR) 1 mRNA in the liver of control and curcumin-supplemented C57BL/6J mice. Relative mRNA concentration was assessed using qRT-PCR and related to the average of two housekeeping genes (β-actin and GAPDH). The mean expression levels of genes in the control group were set to be 1. The mRNA expression of hepcidin was significantly lower in curcumin-supplemented mice, while the expressions of iron transport proteins DMT1 and TfR1 were significantly increased. FPN was not significantly regulated. Values are expressed as means+SEM. ⁎P<0.05, ⁎⁎P<0.01.