Figure 8.
Nf1Prx1−/− mice have increased muscle fat content and altered expression of fat metabolism proteins. Triglyceride content was significantly higher in Nf1Prx1−/− mice compared with WT littermates (n = 5, mean ± 95% CI, P < 0.01) (A). Western blots of quadriceps muscle extracts from Nf1Prx1−/− mice and WT littermates (n = 4) equally loaded for total protein are shown (B). Nf1Prx1−/− mice have higher expression of FAS and leptin and lower expression of carnitine palmitoyl transferase-1, CD36 and FATP4 compared with WT littermates, while there were no differences in expression of OxPhos complexes, PPARγ1,2 or UCP3. Actin and GAPDH are shown as loading controls.