Figure 4. KD combined with radiation increases 4HNE-modified proteins in H292 mouse lung cancer xenografts.
Equal protein from H292 xenograft tumor homogenates taken from animals treated as in Figure 3 (N=3 from each group) were blotted onto PVDF membranes and stained with polyclonal antibody against 4HNE-modified proteins. This analysis was repeated twice and a representative blot is shown in panel A. Positive (+) and negative (−) controls represent the immunoreativity derived from H292 cell homogenates treated with and without 100 uM genuine 4HNE for one hour at 37°C. Panel B shows quantification of dot blots by Image J analysis and samples were normalized to the background on each blot. Error bars represent ± 1SEM. One way ANOVA with Newman-Keuls Multiple Comparison Test demonstrated the K+IR was significantly greater than Control, IR, and KD alone (*p<0.05).