Figure 6. Small-molecule induction of β-catenin levels and sensitivity to navitoclax.
Treatment with the GSK3β inhibitor CHIR-99021 led to increased levels of β-catenin in RKO and HT29 (non-mutant) cells (A) and relatively little change in HEC59 (non-mutant) and SW48 (S33Y CTNNB1 mutant) cells (D). Sensitivity to navitoclax was assessed after pre-treatment with CHIR-99021 (red) and compared to DMSO-pretreated controls (black). RKO (B) and HT29 (C) cells, which had increased levels of β-catenin, showed 4-fold increase in sensitivity to navitoclax, while HEC59 (E) and SW48 (F) cells, which had unchanged levels of β-catenin, demonstrate no significant change in sensitivity. Data are represented as mean +/− SD. See also Figure S5.