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. 2014 Mar 14;9(3):e91410. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0091410

Table 1. Characteristics of enrolled cohort prospective studies included in meta-analysis.

First author and publication year Country Population characteristic Definition of normal ALT level (U/L) Enrolled subjects (M/F) Age (range, mean±SD, years) Outcome (events number) gender/age (years) Follow up (years) Comparison (U/L) HR (95%CI)a Adjusted covariates
Arndt et al [8] Germany Construction Not 7858 42.8 All-cause (163) 5 >22/≤22 1.3(0.9–1.9) Age, nationality,
(1998) workers referred (7858/0) (25-64) occupational group,
smoking status, BMI,
alcohol consumption
Kim et al [3] Korea Insured 35–40 142055 M: All-cause(3392)M 8 M:≥100/<20 5.2(4.2–6.4) Age, BMI, smoking
(2004) workers in 93.5% of (94533 44.8±6.7 All-cause(394)F F: ≥50/<20 1.2(0.5–3) status, alcohol
Korea Medical subjects /47522) F: CV-disease(624)M M:≥100/<20 2.9(1.5–5.6) consumption, plasma
Insurance within 42.0±6.0 CV-disease(52)F F: 30–39/<20 1.3(0.4–4.1) glucose, serum total
Corporation normal Cancer(1514)M M:≥100/<20 6.2(4.2–8.3) cholesterol, blood
range Cancer(235)F F: > = 100/<20 0.9(0.2–3.5) pressure, family
Liver disease(501)M M:≥100/<20 59(43.4–80.1) history of liver
Liver disease(23)F F: ≥50/<20 21.5(5.3–81.6) disease
Elinav et al [15] Israel Community < 40 for 455 70 All-cause(146) 12 >median 0.67 Sex, physical activity,
(2006) residents men, (245/210) /≤median (0.46–0.93) health perception,
<30 for Median:13 in diabetes mellitus,
women, men/11 in IHD, malignancy, CRF,
96% of the women anemia, smoking
Nalamura et al [4] Japan Community Not 4524 40–69 All-cause (214) 10 Below median 8.11 Age, sex, BMI,
(2006) residents referred (1531/2593) 54.3±8.1 BMIb: ≥50/<20 (3.16–20.82) smoking habit,
Up than drinking habit, SBP,
median BMI: 1.38 medication for
≥50/<20 (0.34–5.63) hypertension, serum
Whole total cholesterol,
population: 3.72 history of diabetes
(including (1.95–7.10) mellitus
people with
lower and
higher BMI)
Schindhelm et al Nether- Community Not 1439 50–75 All-cause (174) 10 T3/T1 1.10 Age, sex,
[9] (2007) lands residents referred (788/651) 60.9±7.2 T3:26(21–143) (0.77–1.61) alcohol-intake,
T1:12(1-14) smoking, physical
activity, waist,
triglycerides, SBP,
fasting glucose,
Ruhl et al [11] USA Community ≤30 for 14950 Normal All-cause(1205)M 8.8 Elevated ALT 1.1(0.62–1.9) Age, sex,
(2009) residents with men, (6953/7997) ALT All-cause(984)F /normal ALT 1.2(0.82–1.8) race-ethnicity, BMI,
exclusion of ≤19 for group: CV-disease(379)M (Normal ALT 0.38(0.12–1.2) waist-to-hip ratio,
HBV and HCV women, 45.3±0.50 CV-disease(286)F definition: 1.2(0.64–2.2) glucose status, total
infectors 85.6% of elevated Cancer(291)M M≤30, F≤19) 1.3(0.66–2.6) cholesterol, HDL-C,
subjects ALT group: Cancer(208)F 0.9(0.43–1.9) SBP, DBP, smoking,
within 42.1±0.60 Liver disease (22)M 8.8(2.0–38.7) alcohol, caffeine,
normal Liver disease (12)F 8.7(1.03–74) physical activity, CRP,
range transferrin
saturation, education
Hovinen et al [17] Finland Community Not 397 M: 75–91 All-cause (127) 5.8 M:≥21/<21 0.45 M: BMI, charlson
(2010) residents referred (138/259) (0.24–0.86) comorbidity index,
mini-mental state
examination, peak
expiratory flow,
smoking, alcohol use,
hemoglobin, glucose
F: 75–90 F: ≥19/<19 0.62 (0.39–1) F: Charlson
comorbidity index,
statin use, diabetes
mellitus, DBP,
heoglobin, LDL-C,
Ford et al- Scotland Participants in a ≤55 largely 6595 45–64 All-cause(1293) 4.9 Q4/Q1 0.86 Treatment allocation,
WOSCOPS clinical trail of within (6595/0) 55.24–90 (>27/≤17) (0.73–1.01) age, history of
[13](2011) pravastatin normal angina, history of
with exclusion range CV-disease (377) 0.87 diabetes and
of ALT outlier (0.64–1.18) hypertension,
(≥165 IU/L) smoking status, BMI,
Cancer (532) 0.82 SBP, DBP, HDL-C,
(0.63–1.07) LDL-C,
glucose, nitrate use,
deprivation, alcohol
Ford et al- Scotland, Participants in a ≤55 largely 5804 70–82 All-cause (604) 3.2 Q4/Q1 0.64 Country, treatment
PROSPER [13] Ireland, clinical trail of within (2803/3001) 75.3±3.3 (>22/≤14) (0.5–0.81) allocation, age, sex,
(2011) Netherland pravastatin normal current smoker and
with exclusion range CV-disease (216) 0.58 histories of diabetes,
of ALT outlier (0.39–0.87) hypertension
(≥165 IU/L) (components of
Cancer (206) 0.68 vascular disease,
(0.45–1.03) BMI, SBP, DBP,
glucose, alcohol
Ford et al- Nether- Community ≤45 largely 561 85 All-cause (451) 2 Q4/Q1 0.66 Sex, BMI,
Leiden 85-plus lands residents within (188/373) (>27/≤17) (0.5–0.87) hypertension, SBP,
[13] (2011) normal DBP, HDL-C, LDL-C,
range CV-disease (48) 0.8 triglycerides, CRP,
(0.34–1.88) diabetes, HbA1c,
history of vascular
Cancer (78) 0.63 disease
Schooling et al USA Community Not 16854 T1c: All-cause(2199)M 13.2 M:T3/T1 0.89(0.70–1.12) Age, gender,
[14] (2012) residents referred (7888/8966) 49.8±22.9 All-cause(1906)F F:T3/T1 0.99(0.85–1.14) race/ethnicity,
T2d: All-cause(266)<50 yr <50 yr: T3/T1 1.15(0.67–1.99) education, smoking
46.9±20.1 All-cause(1110)50–75 yr 50–75 yr:T3/T1 0.96(0.76–1.22) status, alcohol use
T3e: All-cause(2729)>75 yr >75 yr: T3/T1 0.87(0.75–1.01)
43.5±17.1 CV-disease(974)M M:T3/T1 0.86(0.66–1.11)
CV-disease(889)F F:T3/T1 0.93(0.73–1.17)
CV-disease(58)<50 yr <50 yr: T3/T1 1.66(0.64–4.31)
CV-disease(436)50–75 yr 50–75 yr:T3/T1 1.02(0.68–1.53)
CV-disease(1369)>75 yr >75 yr: T3/T1 0.81(0.68–0.96)
Koehler et al [18] Nether- Community < 40 for 5186 70.3 ± 9.1 All-cause (2997) 14 P95/P25 0.92 Age, sex, education,
(2013) land residents men, (3195/1991) (0.76–1.11) smoking status,
<30 for alcohol intake,
women, CV-disease (672) 0.87 hypertension,
94.8% of (0.57–1.29) diabetes mellitus,
subjects BMI, total
within Cancer (703) 1.05 cholesterol levels
normal (0.74–1.50)

two studies [3], [8] only provided RR as observational indicator. RR was treated as HR unless specific notification.


the median BMI in study was 22.7 kg/m2.


T1 represented the subjects with lowest category of ALT value (≤13 U/l for men and ≤9 U/l for women)


T2 represented the subjects with middle category of ALT value (13–21 U/l for men and 9–15 U/l for women)


T3 represented the subjects with highest category of ALT value (≥21 U/l for men and ≥15 U/l for women)

Abbreviations: ALT: alanine aminotransferase; BMI: body mass index; CI: confidence interval; CRF: chronic renal failure; CRP: C-reactive protein; CV: cardiovascular; DBP: diastolic blood pressure; F: female; HbA1c: glycated haemoglobin; HBV: hepatitis B virus; HCV: hepatitis B virus; HDL-C: high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; HR: hazard ratio; IHD: ischemic heart disease; LDL-C: low density lipoprotein cholesterol; M: male; P: percentile; Q: quartile; SBP: systolic blood pressure; SD: Standard deviation; T: tertile; U/l: units per liter; yr: year.