Figure 2. Impact of Grb14 knock-down on insulin receptor and RET receptor signaling.
A. Loss of Grb14 differentially impacts receptor phosphorylation. Control (WRO/scramble) and Grb14 knock-down WRO (WRO/shGrb14) cells were serum starved for 18 hrs and treated for 10 minutes with vehicle, FBS, or insulin as indicated. Stable reduction of Grb14 reveals hyper-phosphorylation of the insulin receptor at pY972 and at the activation loop pY1158/1162 site. B. Reduction of Grb14 diminishes RET phosphorylation evidenced by attenuated pY1062 and by reduced MAPK activation. C. Grb14 reduction impairs both STAT3 tyrosyl phosphorylation and D. Akt activation as downstream targets of impaired RET activation. The corresponding densitometric findings throughout the indicated time courses from the mean of 3 independent experiments are shown immediately below.