Figure 2. Changes in extracellular dopamine concentration in the mPFC during anticipation and consumption of food in FR rats: modulation by CB1 receptor ligands.
Rats were trained to consume their daily meal within a 2-h period (11∶00 to 13∶00 hours) (circle symbols), or fed ad libitum (triangle down symbols), and microdialysis samples were collected from the mPFC before, during, and after food presentation. Animals also received an acute administration of vehicle (open symbols, n = 5), WIN 55212-2 (5 mg/kg, i.p., closed symbols, n = 5) (A), or SR141716 (1 mg/kg, i.p., closed symbols, n = 4) (B) at 40 min before food presentation or were chronically treated with vehicle (open symbols, n = 5) or SR141716 (1 mg/kg, i.p., closed symbols, n = 5) twice a day for 21 days (C). Data are expressed as a percentage of basal values and are means ± SEM. a P<0.05, a’ P<0.01 versus basal values; b P<0.01 versus corresponding vehicle value.