Figure 3. Mycl1 regulates DC proliferation and survival.
a, Normalized donor contribution for indicated DC subsets in mixed BM chimeras. (bar, s.d., n=9 mice). b, CD103+CD11b− DCs from tissues from the indicated mice as percentage of CD45.2+ cells. (bar, s.d., n=5-7 mice). c, Donor contribution of CD103+CD11b− DCs as in (a) shown for indicated tissues. d, 1 hour BrdU incorporation for indicated cells and mice. (bar, s.d., n = 5). e, BrdU incorporation of CD24+ cDCs expressing ERT2 or L-MYC-ERT2 fusion proteins in response to tamoxifen (4-OHT) treatment (bar, s.d., n=4). f, 7AAD/AnnexinV staining of splenic CD8α+ DCs from WT or Mycl1gpf/gfp (KO) mice treated with GM-CSF. g, Viable splenic CD8α+ DCs from (f) for WT or Mycl1gpf/gfp (KO) mice (bar, s.d, n=4). h, Volcano plot of WT and Mycl1gpf/gfp (KO) CD8α+ DCs treated with or without GM-CSF. Shown are genes increased >2-fold (red) or decreased >2-fold (blue) in WT relative to Mycl1gpf/gfp (KO) mice. Top 500 genes induced in WT cells by following GM-CSF treatment are shown (green). (n=3 biological replicates). *, p<0.05, ***, p<0.001, ns, p>0.05. Data representative of 2-3 experiments.