Table 1. Melatonin regulation of biliary functions.
Parameter | Mechanisms | References |
Inhibition of biliary hyperplasia in BDL rats | Reduced expression CLOCK genes by downregulation of cAMP levels, and PKA phosphorylation by interaction with MT1 | (56) |
Modulation of biliary hyperplasia in normal and BDL rats | In vivo and in vitro overexpression of AANAT in cholangiocytes decreased biliary proliferation | (42) |
Modulation of biliary hyperplasia in ANIT-fed rats | Anti-oxidant activity | (60,61) |
Inhibition of cholangiocarcinoma growth | Decreased AANAT expression and melatonin secretion leads to enhanced cholangiocarcinoma growth | (54) |
Abbreviations: AANAT, arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase; ANIT, α-naphthylisothiocyanate; BDL, bile duct ligation.