Figure 7.
Effect of transfer of PAS or ALOX eosinophils on neutrophil accumulation in the peritoneal cavity of ALOX, PAS, and GATA-1 recipients. (a)–(d) ALOX mice received RPMI (open bars), PAS eosinophils (stippled bars), PAS eosinophils followed by eotaxin, 50 ng/cavity, 30 minutes later (hatched bars). As positive controls, PAS mice received PAS eosinophils followed by eotaxin (gray bars). Peritoneal lavage fluid collected 4 h after eotaxin injection was used for quantitation of total leukocytes (a), eosinophils (b), macrophages (c), and neutrophils (d). (e) GATA-1 mice received eotaxin (black bars), or ALOX eosinophils, followed by eotaxin, 30 minutes later (hatched bars). Peritoneal lavage fluid collected 4 h after eotaxin administration was used for quantitation of neutrophils (Neuts), eosinophils (Eos), and macrophages (Mϕ). Data are mean ± SEM. *, P ≤ 0,05; **, P ≤ 0,01, for the indicated differences. Data from 3–5 experiments.