Table 3.
Note.- *P value indicates differences in % of noise reduction after using AIDR standard setting compared with FBP, depending on size of phantoms by repeated measures analysis of variance test, †P1, P2, and P3 indicates p values from Bonferroni correction: P1 represents difference in % of noise reduction with AIDR standard setting between 24 cm and 30cm phantom; P2 represents difference in % of noise reduction with AIDR standard setting between 24-cm and 40-cm phantom; and P3 represents difference in % of noise reduction with AIDR standard setting between 30-cm and 40-cm phantom, respectively. AIDR = adaptive iterative dose reduction, CTDI = computed tomography dose index, DLP = dose length product, FBP = filtered back projection, TCTP = tube current-time product, 3D = three-dimensional, 24 cm = 24-cm phantom, 30 cm = 30-cm phantom, 40 cm = 40-cm phantom