Fig. 4.
Stability characteristics of the SSK model (a, b, c) (Shiferaw et al., 2005) with different parameter values (u and τ f), CVM model (d) (Fox et al., 2002), HRd model (e) (Hund and Rudy, 2004), and TP model (f) (ten Tusscher and Panfilov, 2006)
λ is a function of cycling length (CL) for the above models during pacing (×), AP clamping (○), and Ca2+ transient clamping (∆). |λ|≤1 means that the 1:1 rhythm is stable and |λ|>1 means that the 1:1 rhythm is unstable. Modified with permission from Figs. 4 and 6 of Jordan and Christini (2007)