Figure 1. Experimental plan. Bone marrows were collected from healthy patients, and mononuclear cell fractions were used to have bone marrow stromal cultures containing MSC. Cultures were propagated for 7–10 d. Then cultures were transduced with lentivirures carrying shRNAs targeting Retinoblastoma gene family. Cultures were then incubated in adipogenic differentiation media for 21 d and the differentiation process was evaluated. In the picture is shown western blot analysis of BMSC that were tested for RB1, RB2/P130, and P107 knockdown after lentiviral transductions and puromycin selection. Cell expressing shRNAs against RB1, RB2/P130, and P107 were indicated as shR1, shR2, and sh107, respectively. Cells expressing scrambled shRNAs were indicated as shCTRL. The RB2 lane shows 2 bands, which correspond to hyperphosphorylated inactivated form (upper band) and active form (lower band). The protein levels were normalized with respect to α-tubulin, the loading control.