Figure 3.
Comparison of various cuts through the 2D IR and 2D SFG spectra. In (a–c), we give a comparison between diagonal cuts through the fundamental peaks in the 2D IR and 2D SFG spectra (a) t2=0, (b) 500, and (c) 1000 fs. In (d) and (e), we show the evolution of these cuts as a function of waiting time. In (f), we comapare a horizontal cut through the 2D SFG spectrum at ωpump = 1660 cm−1 with a cut through the 2D IR spectrum at ωpump = 1642 cm−1, both with and without broadening by a 25 cm−1 Lorentzian (labeled b25). In all spectra comparing cuts from the 2D IR spectra with cuts from the 2D SFG spectra, the 2D IR cuts have been shifted along the probe axis so that the fundamental lines up with that from the 2D SFG spectrum to enable direct linewidth and lineshape comparisons.