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. 2014 Mar 10;5:25–36. doi: 10.2147/OAJSM.S41655

Table 1.

Study characteristics

Study design Participants WBC (control) Outcomes
Higher values in WBC (vs control) Lower values in WBC (vs control) No between-group differences
Mila-Kierzenkowska et al5
Crossover study (4-month washout)
n=9 Olympic-level kayakers undertaking a 10-day training cycle (all female, mean age 23.9±3.2 years) Cointerventions
Antioxidant supplementation
n=9 exposed to −120°C to −140°C for 3 minutes; 20 sessions in total: twice per day over a 10-day period (n=9 no WBC) Catalase TBARS Superoxide dismutase Glutathione peroxidase
Hausswirth et al6
Randomized crossover study (3-week washout)
n=9 well-trained runners undertaking a simulated 48-minute trail run (all male, mean age 31.8±6.5 years) n=9 exposed to −110°C for 3 minutes; 3 sessions in total: immediately, 24, and 48 hours postexercise (n=9 seated rest) Strength Pain Tiredness Creatine kinase
Pournot et al7
Randomized crossover study (3-week washout)
n=11 trained runners undertaking a simulated 48-minute trail run (all male, mean age 31.8±6.5 years) n=11 exposed to −110°C for 3 minutes; 4 sessions in total: immediately, 24, 48, and 72 hours postexercise
(n=11 seated rest)
IL-1ra CRP IL-1β
Leukocyte count
Ziemann et al8
Randomized controlled trial
n=12 professional male tennis players undertaking moderate-intensity training for 5 days (all male, mean age 20±2 years control, 23±3 years WBC) n=6 exposed to −120°C for 3 minutes; 10 sessions in total: twice per day over 5 days (n=6 no WBC) IL-6
Tennis-stroke effectiveness
TNFα Creatine kinase
Leukocyte count
Miller et al9
Controlled trial
n=94 healthy participants (46 male, 48 female, mean age 37.5±3.1 years WBC, 37.9±2.1 years control) n=46 exposed to −130°C for 3 minutes; 10 sessions in total: 1 session per day over 10 days (n=48 no WBC) Total antioxidant status
Superoxide dismutase
Uric acid
Costello et al10
Randomized controlled trial
n=36 healthy participants (24 male, 12 female, mean age 20.8±1.2 years) n=16 exposed to −110°C for 3 minutes; 2 sessions in a single day, 2 hours apart (n=16 exposed to 15°C) Joint positional sensea MVIC
Costello et al10
Randomized controlled trial
n=18 participants (4 female, 14 male, mean age 21.2±2.1 years) undertaking 100 high-force maximal eccentric contractions of the left knee extensors n=9 exposed to −110°C for 3 minutes; 2 sessions in a single day, 2 hours apart (n=9 exposed to 15°C) MVIC
Peak power output
Fonda and Sarabon11
Randomized crossover (10-week washout)
n=11 participants (all male, mean age 26.9±3.8 years) undertaking high-load and eccentric lower-limb exercises n=11 exposed to −140°C to −195°C for 3 minutes; 6 sessions in total: 1 per day over 6 days (n=11 no WBC) Pain at rest
Pain on squat
Creatine kinase
Lactate dehydrogenase
Aspartate aminotransferase
Hausswirth et al12
Controlled trial
n=40 healthy participants (all male; mean age 33.9±12.3 years control, 34.6±11.5 years WBC, 33.3±13.8 years PBC) n=15 exposed to −110°C WBC for 3 minutes; n=15 exposed to −160°C PBC for 3 minutes; (n=10 seated rest) Norepinephrine Dopamine (WBC) Heart-rate variability Epinephrine
Dopamine (PBC)
Ma et al13
Randomized controlled trial
n=30 participants with adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder joint (24 female, 6 male, mean age 57.2±6.6 years) n=15 exposed to −110°C for 4 minutes; 24 sessions in total: 2 sessions per day, 3 times per week over 4 weeks plus standard physiotherapy treatment (n=15 standard physiotherapy treatment only) ROM Function Pain
Schall et al14
Randomized crossover (1-week washout)
n=11 participants (all female, mean age 20.3±1.8 years) undertaking a 3-minute-maximum swimming exercise bout n=9 exposed to −110°C for 3 minutes; 1 session immediately after exercise (n=9 30 minutes of passive recovery) Indices of heart-rate variability Metabolic recovery (lactate VO2 peak) Subjective recovery Performance (subjective judging in synchronized swimming)



Absolute, relative, and variable error


countermovement jump, power, strength.

Abbreviations: WBC, whole-body cryotherapy; vs, versus; TBARS, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances; IL, interleukin; ra, receptor antagonist; CRP, C-reactive protein; TNF, tumor necrosis factor; MVIC, maximum voluntary isometric contraction; PBC, partial body cryotherapy; ROM, range of movement.

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