Table 2.
Parameters characterizing the distribution of LRRs and BAFs.
Mean of LRRs | SD of LRRs | SD of BAFs |
(μ 0,μ 1,μ 2,μ 3,μ 4) | (σ 0,σ 1,σ 2,σ 3,σ 4) | (η 1,η 2) |
(−3, −0.45, 0, 0.30, 0.50) | (1, 0.26, 0.16, 0.19, 0.22) | (0.02, 0.05) |
Given the copy number cit = k for probe t and subject i, the LRR Xit ~ N(μk,σ2k). See Table 1 for the definition of (η1,η2). The parameters were estimated from the long, experimentally validated CNVs in Illumina 550K arrays.