Fig. 4.
Structures of the M2 proton channel from Influenza A viewed perpendicular (top) and parallel (bottom) to the pore axis (bottom). The hydrophilic interfacial regions are pale yellow bands underlying the three structures and in between is the hydrophobic region of the bilayer. (a and b) An asymmetric X-ray crystal structure (PDB: 3BKD) [82] of the TM domain (residues 22–46) obtained from detergent based crystals; (c and d) a solution NMR structure of the conductance domain obtained from DHPC micelles (residues 18–60, PDB: 2RLF) [83] with bound rimantadine on the lipid facing surface (space filling view); (e and f) a ssNMR structure of the conductance domain (residues 22–62, PDB: 2L0J) [80] from liquid crystalline bilayers of DOPC and DOPE. The His37 residues shown in space filling view.