Isolates that transfer MOP catabolism harbor related plasmids. (A) Plasmid profiles of the MOP-inducible isolates. Plasmid DNA was isolated from the wild-type isolates. The lanes contain DNA from NTL4(pTiC58) (lane 1), F64/95 (lane 2), F265/93 (lane 3), J62/95 (lane 4), J84/95 (lane 5), M200/94 (lane 6), and 15955 (lane 7). The standards are pAtC58 (543 kb) and pTiC58 (214 kb) of strain C58 (lane 1) and pTi15955 (194 kb) of strain 15955 (lane 7). (B) BamHI fragment patterns of total plasmid DNA isolated from the wild-type isolates and the genetically isolated MOP catabolism plasmid from each wild-type strain. Total plasmid DNA was extracted from each wild-type isolate and an NTL6 transformant of the MOP catabolism plasmid from each strain and digested with BamHI, and the fragments were separated on a 0.8% agarose gel. Lanes: M, 1-kb ladder (Invitrogen); 1, NTL4(pAoF64/95); 2, C58C1RS(pArA4); 3, F64/95; 4, NTL6(pAoF64/95); 5, J84/95; 6, NTL6(pAoJ84/95); 7, F265/93; 8, NTL6(pAoF265/93); 9, J62/95; 10, NTL6(pAoJ62/95); 11, M200/94; 12, NTL6(pAoM200/94).