Accumulation of AIP-III in culture fluid of parental and mutant strainsa
Time of sampling (min) | Amt of AIP-III (arbitrary units)b in culture fluid of strain: |
UAMS-1 | MS1 (ΔcodY) | CM18 (Δagr) | |
60 | ND | ND | ND |
120 | ND | ND | ND |
180 | 30 ± 30 | 503 ± 186 | ND |
240 | 1,728 ± 788 | 4,365 ± 1,241 | ND |
360 | 7,449 ± 322 | 11,007 ± 1,321 | ND |
All strains were grown in TSB medium in three biological replicates, and samples were removed for centrifugation at the times indicated. The amount of accumulated AIP-III in the culture fluid was determined by LC-MS, as described in Materials and Methods.
ND, no peak detected for the ion corresponding to AIP-III (with the threshold for detection set at a signal/noise ratio of 3:1).