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. 2014 Mar;52(3):781–789. doi: 10.1128/JCM.02701-13


Sensitivities and specificities of SNPs for predicting phenotypic resistance to rifampin in M. tuberculosis isolates from India, Moldova, the Philippines, and South Africaa

Observed mutation(s) by gene location No. of RIFr isolates with mutation (n = 336)b No. of RIFs isolates with mutation (n = 55) Estimated sensitivity (% [95% CI]) Estimated specificity (% [95% CI])
    531TCG→TTG 231 1 68.8 (63.5–73.6) 98.2 (89–99.9)
    516GAC→GGC/533CTG→CCG 27 0 8 (5.5–11.6) 100 (91.9–100)
    516GAC→GTC 23 0 6.8 (4.5–10.2) 100 (91.9–100)
    526CAC→TAC 18 0 5.4 (3.3–8.5) 100 (91.9–100)
    531TCG→TGG 7 0 2.1 (0.9–4.4) 100 (91.9–100)
    526CAC→CGC 6 0 1.8 (0.7–4) 100 (91.9–100)
    513CAA→AAA 4 0 1.2 (0.4–3.2) 100 (91.9–100)
    526CAC→GAC 3 0 0.9 (0.2–2.8) 100 (91.9–100)
    522TCG→TTG 2 0 0.6 (0.1–2.4) 100 (91.9–100)
    526CAC→TAC/526CAC→CGC 2 1 0.6 (0.1–2.4) 98.2 (89–99.9)
    511CTG→CCG/512AGC→ACC/516GAC→TAC 1 0 0.3 (0–1.9) 100 (91.9–100)
    513CAA→AAA/526CAC→GAC 1 0 0.3 (0–1.9) 100 (91.9–100)
    526CAC→CTC 1 3 0.3 (0–1.9) 94.5 (83.9–98.6)
    526CAC→TAC/509AGC→CGC 1 0 0.3 (0–1.9) 100 (91.9–100)
    531TCG→TTG/515ATG→ATA 1 0 0.3 (0–1.9) 100 (91.9–100)
    516GAC→TAC 0 4 0 (0–1.4) 92.7 (81.6–97.6)
    526CAC→AAC/526CAC→CGC 0 1 0 (0–1.4) 98.2 (89–99.9)
    526CAC→AAC 0 1 0 (0–1.4) 98.2 (89–99.9)
No mutations in rpoB 8 44

Phenotypic resistance determined by MGIT 960 drug susceptibility testing (DST) and WHO-recommended critical concentrations. SNPs, single nucleotide polymorphisms.


RIF, rifampin.