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. 2014 Mar;52(3):712–720. doi: 10.1128/JCM.02877-13


Common fixatives used to preserve ova and parasites in stool

Preservative Downstream preparations Downstream assaysa Potential for single-vial use Notes
Formalin, 5% or 10% Only concentrated wet mount EIA, FA, IC Poor Poor NAT potential, poor trophozoite preservation
SAF Permanent stained smear and concentrated wet mount EIA, FA, IC Fair Poor NAT potential, suboptimal trophozoite morphology
Mercury-based fixative with PVA Permanent stained smear and concentrated wet mount (rare) NAT Poor Immunoassays not possible, fixative is highly toxic
Modified Schaudinn's (copper, zinc, or other fixative with PVA) Permanent stained smear and concentrated wet mount (rare) NAT Fair Immunoassays not possible, concentrated wet mounts are uncommonly performed, suboptimal trophozoite morphology
Single -vial proprietary fixative formulations Permanent stained smear and concentrated wet mount Some immunoassays are possible; most NATs Good Suboptimal trophozoite morphology, not all immunoassays are possible

Abbreviations: EIA, enzyme immunoassay; FA, fluorescent antibody; IC, immunochromographic test; NAT, nucleic acid amplification test.