Common fixatives used to preserve ova and parasites in stool
Preservative | Downstream preparations | Downstream assaysa | Potential for single-vial use | Notes |
Formalin, 5% or 10% | Only concentrated wet mount | EIA, FA, IC | Poor | Poor NAT potential, poor trophozoite preservation |
SAF | Permanent stained smear and concentrated wet mount | EIA, FA, IC | Fair | Poor NAT potential, suboptimal trophozoite morphology |
Mercury-based fixative with PVA | Permanent stained smear and concentrated wet mount (rare) | NAT | Poor | Immunoassays not possible, fixative is highly toxic |
Modified Schaudinn's (copper, zinc, or other fixative with PVA) | Permanent stained smear and concentrated wet mount (rare) | NAT | Fair | Immunoassays not possible, concentrated wet mounts are uncommonly performed, suboptimal trophozoite morphology |
Single -vial proprietary fixative formulations | Permanent stained smear and concentrated wet mount | Some immunoassays are possible; most NATs | Good | Suboptimal trophozoite morphology, not all immunoassays are possible |
Abbreviations: EIA, enzyme immunoassay; FA, fluorescent antibody; IC, immunochromographic test; NAT, nucleic acid amplification test.