FIG 5.
Plasma neutralization. Neutralization titers with 50% activity against B.BaL (A) and B.BX08 (B) were determined. After four immunizations, the titer elicited against B.BaL by STS was 1:45 versus STS+oCpG+R848 at 1:374 (P < 0.05 [t test]). Titers against B.BX08 were 1:59 and 1:216, respectively, at the same time points (P < 0.05 [t test]). (C) Aggregate neutralization data for six isolates tested in the TZM-bl assay (B.BaL.26, B.Bx08.16, B.PVO.4, C.DU123.6, C.DU172.17, and CRF01_AE.93TH976.1) show that STS+oCpG+R848 demonstrated a trend toward higher titers compared to the other adjuvant groups. The data underlying this figure appear in Table S1 in the supplemental material.