FIG 8.
JMJD2C depletion has modest effects on histone methylation at binding sites. (A and B) Western blot of ESCs (A) and MEFs (B) heterozygous or homozygous for the conditional Jmjd2c allele (f) and expressing Cre-ERT2 from the Rosa26 locus. Cells were treated with OHT as indicated. (C) Western blot of KYSE150 cells transfected with the indicated shRNAs. (D and E) ChIP-seq data obtained for KYSE150 cells subjected to unsupervised k-means clustering. Regions within 5 kb of TSSs are shown. (F) shRNA-transfected KYSE150 cells were used in ChIP experiments with the indicated antibodies. For histone marks, ChIP signals were normalized to H3 ChIP values.