Algorithm 1: Overall fatigue level computation |
Input: Raw sEMG and corresponding acceleration signals |
Output: Overall fatigue level |
1: |
Filter and resample the input signals; |
2: |
For i from 1 to Nm
3: |
Calculate the self-covariance of the filtered acceleration signal ϕACC; |
4: |
If ϕACC < ε, the movement is recognized as a periodic movement. Then, the corresponding sEMG signal is segmented and connected to form a new sEMG signal, otherwise, do nothing; |
5: |
Compute the initial mean frequency of the sEMG signal fmean,0; |
6: |
Initialize λ, φ̂t and pt. φ̂t(0) can be 0 or an initial guess of the slope parameter, as pt is defined as t−2, pt(0) has to be set as a relatively large number; |
7: |
Compute fmean,i and update φ̂t and pt by Equations (11) and (12); |
8: |
Calculate the localized fatigue level lfatigue,i by Equation (9); |
9: |
End For |
10: |
Compute the overall fatigue level lfatigue by lfatigue,i (Equation (13)). |