A: Predefined steady-state objective: [x00 x01] = [0 1], [x02 x03] = [4.5 5.5], [x04 x05] = [9 10]; [y00 y01] = [0 1], [y02 y03] = [4.5 5.5], [y04 y05] = [9 10]; obj11, obj12, and obj13: X* is low and Y* is low, intermediate, or high; obj21, obj22, and obj23: X* is intermediate and Y* is low, intermediate, or high; obj31, obj32, and obj33: X* is high and Y* is low, intermediate, or high. PSO implementation: steady-state levels of motif output responses were arbitrarily set to the following values: [X* Y*] = [1.5 1.5] (xy1.5_1.5); [X* Y*] = [1.5 8.5] (xy1.5_8.5); [X* Y*] = [8.5 1.5] (xy8.5_1.5); and [X* Y*] = [8.5 8.5] (xy8.5_8.5). Model parameters of all motifs were initialized to identical values as follows: 1) PSO was pre-implemented to identify model parameters that generated such static outputs for the linear motif; 2) these parameters were used for the core structure of all other network motifs; 3) the kinetic constants of the additional reactions were set to zero. B: Motif tunability to static output objectives obtained through random sampling of model parameters. C: Motif tunability to static output objectives obtained through PSO sampling of model parameters necessary for ODE implementation. Particle positions were initialized to the point xy1.5_1.5. CV was defined as the ratio between the standard deviation and the mean computed across the 100 parameter sets identified by using PSO. Given the 12 motif topologies, 9 objective areas, and 100 sets of identified parameter, PSO was implemented 10,800 times.