Figure 2. PKA-mediated cAMP protection against podocyte injury.
A: Western blot of MCF7 cells, NRK cells, differentiated and undifferentiated podocytes. B: Immunofluorescence staining of kidney from control mice (×200). C: CCK-8 test was performed using podocytes treated with PAN in the presence or absence of 2Me-cAMP. Data were obtained from five independent studies. D: PKA activity was detected using podocytes treated with pCPT-cAMP for the time indicated. Data were obtained from five independent studies. E: CCK-8 test was performed using podocytes treated with PAN in the presence or absence of pCPT-cAMP. Data were obtained from five independent studies. F: CCK-8 results from podocytes treated with PAN in the presence or absence of pCPT-cAMP and H89. Data were obtained from five independent studies. *: P<0.05 compared with control group, #: P<0.05 compared with PAN group, $: P<0.05 compared with pCPT+PAN group. 2Me: 2Me-cAMP, pCPT: pCPT-cAMP.