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. 2014 Mar 2;2014:132158. doi: 10.1155/2014/132158

Table 7.

MAP values to retrieving in Abstract, Title, and MeSH fields using different weighting algorithms.

Combinations Algorithms
BM25 TF-IDF BM25 log⁡TF Raw TF
Porter stemmer-NLM stopwords 0.2717 0.2953 0.2683 0.2209
Porter stemmer-SMART stopwords 0.2733 0.2930 0.2665 0.2221
Krovetz stemmer-NLM stopwords 0.2719 0.2929 0.2684 0.2208
Krovetz stemmer-SMART stopwords 0.2737 0.2904 0.2654 0.2228

The bold font refers to the best values for the parameters.