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. 2014 Feb 17;16(2):e55. doi: 10.2196/jmir.3086

Table 1.

Baseline characteristics by latency to target quit date (TQD) relative to website registration date.

Baseline variable TQD, 0 days TQD, 1-14 days TQD, 15-28 days TQD, 29+ days P valuea
n=73 n=161 n=79 n=114
Demographic variables b

Age, (years), mean (SD) 34.22 (10.37) 36.99 (10.97) 36.90 (9.98) 38.61 (11.49) .064

Gender (Female), n (%) 36 (49.3) 84 (52.2) 37 (46.8) 53 (46.5)

Race, n (%)


White 66 (90.4) 145 (90.1) 70 (88.6) 95 (83.3)

Non-white 7 (9.6) 16 (9.9) 9 (11.4) 19 (16.7)

Ethnicity (Hispanic), n (%) 1 (1.4) 8 (5.0) 3 (3.8) 2 (1.8) .363

Education, n (%)


High school or less 9 (12.3) 33 (20.5) 22 (27.8) 37 (32.5)

Some college 42 (57.5) 76 (47.2) 34 (43.0) 43 (37.7)

College 4+ yrs 22 (30.1) 52 (32.3) 23 (29.1) 34 (29.8)

Employment, n (%)


Employed fulltime 50 (68.5) 114 (70.8) 55 (69.6) 87 (76.3)

Otherc 23 (31.5) 47 (29.2) 24 (30.4) 27 (23.7)

Income, n (%)


Low income (≤$40,000) 33 (45.2) 69 (42.9) 36 (47.4) 60 (53.1)

High income (>$40,000) 40 (54.8) 92 (57.1) 40 (52.6) 53 (46.9)
Smoking variables

Cigarettes per day, mean (SD) 20.26 (10.15) 18.75 (7.90) 20.80 (9.32) 19.61 (9.32) .356

Time to first cigarette, n (%)


Within 30 minutes 57 (78.1) 122 (75.8) 57 (72.2) 88 (77.2)

After 30 minutes 16 (21.9) 39 (24.2) 22 (27.8) 26 (22.8)

Duration of last quit attempt, n (%)


≤3 days 34 (49.3) 82 (55.0) 44 (59.5) 59 (60.2)

4+ days 35 (50.7) 67 (45.0) 30 (40.5) 39 (39.8)

Desire to quit, mean (SD) 9.25 (1.08) 9.07 (1.24) 8.87 (1.25) 8.95 (1.43) .263

Confidence in quitting, mean (SD) 6.49 (2.09) 6.48 (2.13) 5.72 (2.28) 6.16 (2.08) .052
Psychosocial variables

Health status, n (%)


Excellent 12 (16.4) 13 (8.1) 7 (8.9) 11 (9.7)

Very good 26 (35.6) 63 (39.1) 26 (32.9) 40 (35.4)

Good 20 (27.4) 57 (35.4) 31 (39.2) 35 (31.0)

Fair/Poord 15 (20.5) 28 (17.4) 15 (19.0) 27 (23.9)

Illness caused by smoking, n (%) 45 (61.6) 105 (65.2) 40 (51.3) 59 (51.8) .069

Spouse smokes, n (%) 20 (51.3) 40 (42.6) 23 (45.1) 31 (48.4) .787

1+ smokers in house, n (%) 17 (23.3) 23 (14.3) 11 (13.9) 27 (23.7) .103

Temptations Inventory, mean (SD) 4.00 (0.47) 3.90 (0.49) 3.90 (0.59) 3.92 (0.52) .567

Confidence Inventory, mean (SD) 2.88 (0.60) 2.82 (0.57) 2.67 (0.48) 2.71 (0.57) .045

Perceived Stress Scale, mean (SD) 6.10 (3.11) 5.90 (2.91) 6.25 (3.26) 6.89 (3.18) .067

CES-D Scale, mean (SD) 8.79 (5.78) 8.73 (5.27) 9.96 (6.12) 10.31 (5.81) .082

aNonparametric test (categorical) or ANOVA used.

bParticipants could refuse to answer a question or respond “I don’t know”. Income, n=423; duration of last quit attempt, n=390; health status, n=426; illness caused by smoking, n=426; spouse smokes, n=248 (asked only among individuals with spouse).

cIncludes part-time employment, retired, student, homemaker, and unemployed.

dCollapsed “Fair” and “Poor” categories due to small cell counts.