pMSCs hypoxia culture medium has stronger effect on limiting H2O2-treated-caco2 apoptosis via IGF-1 compared with pMSCs normoxia culture medium. (A) After five days culture, untreated caco2 cells in NM, H2O2-treated caco2 cells in NM, pMSCs-NCM, si-irrel-pMSCs-HCM or si-IGF-1-pMSCs-HCM, percentage of apoptotic cells (early apoptosis is FITC-positive, late apoptosis is FITC- and propidium iodide-postive) were analyzed by FACS; and (B) Data was expressed as the mean ± SEM of experiments repeated three times. º p < 0.05 versus NM. *
p < 0.05 versus NM + H2O2; $
p < 0.05 versus pMSCs-NCM + H2O2; #
p < 0.05 versus si-irrel-pMSCs-HCM + H2O2 (n = 3).