Figure 10.
Light-minus-dark absorbance difference spectra induced by far-red illumination (λex = 808 nm) of PS I trimers at 5 K (top) and monomers at 78 K (bottom) from A. platensis. The difference spectra were obtained by subtracting the absorbance spectra in the dark-adapted state from those measured after 808 nm excitation. During illumination with 808 nm light, an interference filter (AL804 from Schott) was placed directly in front of the cuvette. The curves denoted “dark” show the difference between two absorbance spectra of the dark-adapted sample measured directly one after the other. The curves denoted “50 flashes” is the difference between the absorbance spectra in the dark-adapted state and those measured after illumination by 50 saturating flashes from a Xe-flash lamp.