Figure 4. TPZ treatment.
A: Distribution of Pimopos- and Pimoneg-CSCs at baseline (untreated control, CTRL) and at day 1, day 5, and day 12 in TPZ-treated young (3M) and old (30M) mice. The horizontal line indicates the population of Pimopos-CSCs. *,**p < 0.05 vs. CTRL, and day 1, respectively. B: Bivariate distribution of Pimo and Ki67 in CSCs from young (3M) and old (30M) TPZ-treated mice. *,**,†,§p < 0.05 vs. Pimopos, CTRL, day 1, and day 5, respectively. C: Bivariate distribution of Pimo, Nkx2.5, and GATA4 in CSCs from young (3M) and old (30M) TPZ-treated mice. For statistics and symbols see above.