Figure 3. Proposed pathway of flavonoid biosynthesis in maize kernel.
Candidate genes identified by GWAS are shown in orange, under the corresponding associated metabolites. Api, Apigenin; Chr, chrysoeriol; Lut, Luteolin; cafpen, caffeoylpentoside; couhex, coumaroylhexoside; Cya, Cyanidin; der, derivative; glc, glucose; hes, hesperetin; hex, hexose; MethylChr, Methylchrysoeriol; Mal, Malvidin; pen, pentose; rha, rhamnose; Sel, Selgin; Tri, trincin; 3′,4′,5′-Tri, 3′,4′,5′-tricetin,(eβg)eth, (erythro-β-guaiacylglyceryl)ether; (tβg)eth, (threo-β-guaiacylglyceryl)ether; 4CL, 4-coumarate-CoA ligase; CHS, chalcone synthase; CHI, chalconeisomerase; FNS, flavone synthase; F3’H, flavonoid 3'-hydroxylase; FOMT, flavonoid O-methyltransferase; bHLH, basic helix-loop-helix (GRMZM2G162382); CPSF, cleavage and polyadenylation specificity factor 73-I(GRMZM2G422649); HAD, haloaciddehalogenase-like hydrolase superfamily(GRMZM2G035651); OMT, O-methyltransferase (GRMZM2G104710); RSP, ribosomal protein (GRMZM2G344279); MADS, MADS-box family protein (GRMZM2G129034); ELMO, ELMO/CED-12 family protein (GRMZM2G031952); BAM, beta-amylase (GRMZM2G069486); DB, DNA-binding (GRMZM2G478370); ADS, AMP-dependent synthetase and ligase (GRMZM2G019746); IMI, plant invertase/pectin methylesterase inhibitor superfamily (GRMZM2G054225); P1, MYB R2R3type transcription factor (GRMZM2G084799); AQU, aquaporin NIP-type (GRMZM2G126582); GRD2, glucose/ribitol dehydrogenase (GRMZM2G170013); GRD3, glucose/ribitol dehydrogenase (GRMZM2G059361); BTF, basic transcription factor(GRMZM2G110116); ATD, acetamidase/formamidasefamily protein (GRMZM2G424857); HIS, histone superfamily protein (GRMZM2G176358); UGT88A1, UDP-glycosyltransferase 88A1 (GRMZM2G122072); ABCT, ABC transporter (GRMZM2G018074); PDHE, erythronate-4-phosphate dehydrogenase family protein (GRMZM2G177982); RSP, 60S ribosomal protein (GRMZM2G344279); OBG, GTP1/OBG family protein (GRMZM2G077632); TPR, tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-like superfamily protein (GRMZM2G177072); SDH, succinate dehydrogenase (GRMZM2G134134); ABCB2, ABC transporter group B2 (GRMZM2G156145); PK, pyruvate kinase (GRMZM2G119175); UGT73B5: UDP-glycosyltransferase 73B5 (GRMZM5G888620); ZF, RING/U-box superfamily protein zinc finger (GRMZM2G145104); SAMDC, S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase proenzyme Precursor (GRMZM2G154397); NMT, histone-lysine N-methyltransferase (GRMZM2G025924); RHC1A, RING-H2 finger C1A (GRMZM2G176028); GRAM, GRAM domain family protein (GRMZM2G106622); HLY, hemolysin-III homologue (GRMZM2G114650);GH35, glycoside hydrolase, family 35 (GRMZM2G153200); GRD1, glucose/ribitol dehydrogenase (GRMZM2G076981); DPB, DNA binding and protein binding (GRMZM2G393471); HCT, hydroxycinnamoyl-CoA shikimate/quinatehydroxycinnamoyltransferase (GRMZM2G156816); CYP86A35, cytochrome P450 family 86, subfamily A, polypeptide 35 (GRMZM2G062151); UGT, UDP glycosyltransferases (GRMZM2G383404); WRKY53, superfamily of transcriptional factors having WRKY and zinc finger domains (GRMZM2G449681); RMVB, regulator of Vps4 activity in the MVB pathway protein (GRMZM2G059590); bx8, benzoxazinone synthesis 8 (GRMZM2G085054); ZFR, zinc finger, RING-CH-type (GRMZM2G358987); SDR, short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase (GRMZM2G000586); OXY, 2OG-Fe(II) oxygenase superfamily (GRMZM5G843555); PPR, PPR repeat domain containing protein (GRMZM2G325019).