Bar diagram showing mean summary of EPSP responses following induction of either synaptic-LTD (A) by 1 Hz PP pattern stimulation (n = 18) or DHPG-LTD (B) by bath application of DHPG (n = 17). Synaptic-LTD was recorded under control, AIDA, AP-5, nifedipine, AP-5 + nifedipine, AIDA + AP-5, and AIDA + nifedipine. Relative to control, synaptic-LTD was blocked by AP-5 + nifedipine (n = 6) and AIDA + nifedipine (n = 6). While relative to control, DHPG-LTD was blocked by pre-incubation with AIDA (n = 8); AP-5 (n = 6), nifedipine (n = 8), and AP-5 + nifedipine (n = 8) did not completely block but significantly reduced the DHPG-LTD. Asterisk indicates significant depression from baseline and pound sign indicates significant difference from the control level.