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. 2004 Apr 12;101(16):6080–6085. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0401580101

Table 1. Summary of fertility and cytogenetic data in mTert+/+, mTert+/—, and mTert—/— mice.

Generation Average total offspring* (no. of mating pairs) Testes mean ± SD, mg % SFE (no. of mice) End-to-end fusions per metaphase§ (no. of metaphases) % Aneuploidy
B6 wt 26 (7) 174 ± 22 (7) 0.08 (4) 0 (47) 14.9
B6 BC8+/— 27 (2) 178 ± 34 (3) 0.21 (3) 0.03 (37) ND
B6 G1 22 (10) ND ND ND ND
B6 G2 8 (6) 131 ± 52 (5) 0.7 (2) 0 (33) ND
B6 G3 5 (11) 151 ± 57 (7) 4.0 (2) 0 (36) 39.0
B6 G4 4 (7) 97 ± 50 (6) 15.4 (2) 0 (42) 29.0
Mixed G6 9 (4) 140, 189 (2) 2.3 (2) 0.18 (33) ND
Mixed G7 7 (6) 72 ± 10 (3) 5.5 (3) 0.09 (44) 15.9
Mixed G8 2 (9) 76 ± 76 (7) 10.7 (2) 0 (34) 53.0

B6, C57BL/6; mixed, C57BL/6/129; BC8+/—, mTert+/— backcrossed for eight generations; ND, not determined.


Animals aged 8—20 weeks were mated, the total number of pups produced during a 6-month period was recorded for each mating pair, and the average total number of pups for each generation was calculated

Expressed in milligrams. Number of mice analyzed is indicated in parentheses. n = 7 (B6 wt), 3 (BC8+/—), 5 (B6 G2), 7 (B6 G3), 6 (B6 G4), 3 (mixed G7), and 7 (mixed G8). Only two mixed G6 males were examined for testicular mass, therefore both values are listed

Expressed as percentage of all chromosome ends with no fluorescent signal. The number in parentheses is the number of mice measured per generation (400 chromosomes per mouse). Student's t tests revealed a statistically significant increase in SFE in B6 G3, B6 G4, mixed G7, and mixed G8 mice compared with wild-type control mice


Represents dicentric chromosomes only. Number in parentheses indicates the number of metaphases measured. Number of mice represented is the same as the % SFE column

Represents metaphases with greater or less than 40 chromosomes. Numbers of metaphases measured and mice represented is same as in the %SFE column