FoxO6-tg mice develop hypertriglyceridemia. A, Plasma TG levels. B, Plasma NEFA levels. C, Plasma VLDL-TG levels. Aliquots (400 μL) of plasma pooled from FoxO6-tg (with FoxO6-CA transgenic production in the liver) and control wild-type littermates were fractionated by gel filtration in a FPLC system. Fractions (500 μL) were eluted for the determination of TG levels. D, Plasma TG profiles in response to fat tolerance. E, Plasma LPL activity. F, Western blots of plasma LPL, HL, and albumin. G, LPL and HL protein levels relative to albumin. H, Body weight. I, Hepatic FoxO6 mRNA levels relative to β-actin mRNA. J, Hepatic FoxO6 protein levels relative to β-actin. Data were obtained from male FoxO6-tg (n = 6) and control wild-type littermates (n = 4) at 30–32 weeks of age under fasting conditions. *, P < .05; and **, P < .001 vs control. NS, not significant.