FoxO6-tg mice exhibit enhanced VLDL-TG production. A, Plasma TG levels after tyloxapol administration. B, Plasma ApoB48 levels relative to albumin. Aliquots of plasma (5-μL) obtained at 2 hours after tyloxapol administration were subjected to immunoblot analysis using anti-ApoB and control antialbumin antibodies. C, Hepatic ApoB mRNA levels. D, Hepatic MTP mRNA levels relative to β-actin mRNA. E, Hepatic MTP protein levels relative to β-actin. Data in panels C and D were obtained from FoxO6-tg (male; 30–32 weeks; n = 6) and age/sex-matched control littermates (n = 4) under fasting conditions. *, P < .05; and **, P < .001 vs control. NS, not significant.