Figure 1.
Endometriotic lesions and ovarian weight, 8 weeks after treatment A, Representative image of the CE-treated group; B, the CE/BZA-treated group; and C, mean lesion size; n = 20 (10 lesions per group in 5 mice). *, P = .001. D, No statistically significant difference in the ovarian weight in the 4 treatment groups. Photomicrographs of endometriosis lesions stained with hematoxylin and eosin are demonstrated in panel E (CE treated) and panel F (CE/BZA treated) with a significant reduction in the number of glands/high-power field as demonstrated in panel G, *, P = .0007. Panels H (CE treated) and I (CE/BZA treated) demonstrate PCNA expression as a marker of proliferation in the ectopic endometrial glands and stroma. A significant reduction in PCNA expression is observed after treatment. J, *, P < .0001. endo, endometriotic.