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. 2014 Feb 27;2(2):181–191. doi: 10.1002/fsn3.97

Table 4.

Main effects of fruit juice, storage temperature and time on the physicochemical and bioactive properties of roselle-fruit juice blends during storage.

Parameters TSS pH TA RS Vit C FRAP TMA TPC L* a* b*
Fruit juice
 Mango 9.3a 2.6a 1.7a 6.4a 39.6b 1.2b 105.0b 25.2a 17.0a 16.9a 6.8a
 Papaya 9.1b 2.6a 1.4b 6.0b 39.3c 1.2b 175.8a 19.2b 16.5b 15.2c 5.8c
 Guava 6.2c 2.5b 1.4b 5.6c 53.7b 2.5a 177.8a 17.8c 15.7c 16.7b 6.2b
Storage temperature (°C)
 28 8.2a 2.5b 1.5b 5.6b 41.7b 1.6b 137.7b 16.8b 16.2b 16.1b 6.2b
 4 8.2b 2.6a 1.6a 6.3a 46.7a 1.7a 168.1a 24.7a 16.6a 16.4a 6.4a
Storage time (months)
 0 7.7d 2.7a 1.5b 4.5e 60.7a 1.8a 236.5a 26.9a 17.2a 17.2a 6.8a
 1 7.7d 2.7a 1.5b 4.6e 53.4b 1.8a 207.2b 24.9b 16.8b 16.9a 6.7a
 2 8.2c 2.4c 1.4bc 4.6e 48.0c 1.8a 181.4c 22.9c 16.4c 16.6b 6.7a
 3 8.2c 2.3d 1.3c 5.3d 42.9d 1.7b 154.6d 21.1d 16.2c 16.2bc 6.5b
 4 8.4b 2.5b 1.4bc 6.5c 39.5e 1.5c 121.7c 18.9e 16.2c 16.1c 6.1c
 5 8.5b 2.4c 1.6b 7.1b 34.6f 1.4d 94.1f 16.6f 16.1c 15.5d 5.7d
 6 8.7a 2.7a 1.9a 8.5a 30.4g 1.3e 71.5 g 13.9 g 15.7d 15.2d 5.3c

TSS, total soluble solids; TA, titratable acidity; RS, reducing sugars; Vit C, vitamin C; FRAP, ferric reducing ability of plasma; TMA, total monomeric anthocyanins; TPC, total phenolic content; L*, lightness; a*, redness; b*, yellowness. Means separated in columns by main effects of Tukey's test. Numbers followed by the same letter are not significantly different (P < 0.05).