HS was purified from cultured hLEC monolayers (grown in 10-cm plates) that were
transfected with either control siRNA (siDS) or siRNA targeting the indicated HS
biosynthetic enzymes, and resuspended in 500 μL of PBS. Recombinant
human CCL21 (hCCL21, 20 ng/reaction, molecular weight 12.2 kDa, A)
or hCXCL12 (20 ng/reaction, molecular weight: 8 kDa, B) was
incubated with 0.1 μL and 0.3 μL of each HS prep, followed by
BS3 mediated crosslinking, and separation on SDS-PAGE gels with
detection by Western immunoblotting. Green signal: hCCL21 (A) or
hCXCL12 (B) as detected by Western immunoblot; red signal: protein
size marker. − and +: pure hCCL21 or hCXCL12 in the absence or
presence of BS3 crosslinker, respectively.