Table 3. Definition of fitted mean logit path straightness models for observation j of turtle i.
Model | |
null | |
ecoregion | |
ecoregion + SSTa | |
ecoregion × SSTb | |
ecoregion + chlaa | |
ecoregion × chlab | |
ecoregion + SSTgb | |
ecoregion × SSTgb | |
ecoregion + chlagb | |
ecoregion × chlagb | |
ecoregion + bathymetrya | |
ecoregion × bathymetryb | |
ecoregion + SSTa + bathymetrya | |
ecoregion × SSTb + bathymetrya* | |
ecoregion + chlaa + bathymetrya | |
ecoregion × chlab + bathymetrya | |
ecoregion + SSTga + bathymetrya | |
ecoregion × SSTgb + bathymetrya | |
ecoregion + chlaga + bathymetrya | |
ecoregion × chlagb + bathymetrya |
Turtle i is in ecoregion rij at observation j, I(x) is an indicator function equaling 1 when x is true and 0 otherwise. There are K ecoregions, and KSST, KSSTg, Kchla, Kchlag, and Kbathy are the number of ecoregions where SST, SSTg, chla, chlag, and bathy effects are allowed. The variance structure is the same for all models.
Slopes held constant in regions of interest.
Slopes and intercepts allowed to vary in regions of interest.