Figure 5.
Intraplantar (IPLT) botulinum toxin B (BoNT-B) reduces vesicle associated membrane protein (VAMP) expression in the ipsilateral DRG. A) Western blots showing VAMP and -actin (loading control) in the DRG and spinal cord ipsi- and contralateral to IPLT injection of BoNT-B (1U). Mice were treated with IPLT BoNT-B for 4h, 1, 7 or 21 days prior to tissue harvest. B) Histogram depicts the relative levels of VAMP expression quantified by densitometric measurement. Saline control tissues (set as 100%, not shown) were used for normalization. A significant decrease in VAMP expression in the ipsilateral DRG was observed after 1d and 7d BoNT-B pretreatment. Values are mean ± SEM. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01 vs. the contralateral side; one-way ANOVA. N=3-4 animals per group.