Figure 2.
A, Mean SCRs to the CS+E and CS− during early and late extinction learning. B, Mean Extinction Learning Index values. C, Between-group voxel-wise statistical t map overlaid on a canonical brain rendering (MNI coronal, y-plane = 0) showing attenuated AMYG reactivity to the CS+E (> CS−) during early extinction learning in the THC group compared to the PBO group. Image is masked to show only the activation in this hypothesized brain region. Threshold for displaying the image is set a p = 0.05; color bar represents statistical t scores. D, Mean BOLD response (β weights ± SEM) from the left AMYG (5 mm radius sphere from all voxels around the peak MNI coordinate [−26, −8, −12]) showing activation to CS+E (> CS−) in the PBO group and deactivation in the THC group. PBO (green bars) and THC (red bars).