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. 2013 Oct;10(5):S45–S97. doi: 10.1513/AnnalsATS.201304-090AW

Table 4.

Preclinical studies of mesenchymal stromal (stem) cells in lung disease models

Injury Model Experimental Model, Route, and Timing of Treatment MSC Source MSCs Modified? Syn Allo or Xeno Outcome Compared with Injury Effects Potential Mechanisms of MSC actions Cell Controls?
Danchuk, 2011 (259) Mouse: OP (IT) LPS Mouse BM MSCs Texas (Tulane) MSC Core siTSG-6 knockdown Syn • Dec histo injury 48 h TSG-6 released by MSCs IMR 90 lung fibroblasts
  OP MSCs 4 h after LPS       • Dec lung edema 24/48 h   • Do not mimic effects and increase BAL total cell counts and PMNs
  P 1–2       • Dec BAL protein 24 h   MSCs treated with siTSG-6 lose most effects
  2.5 × 105 cells/mouse       • Dec in multiple inflamm cyto and chemokines at 24 h    
Kim, 2011 (260) Mouse: IT E. coli Human umbilical cord MSCs No Xeno • Inc survival Nonspecified paracrine effects Human fibroblasts MRC-5
  IT MSCs 3 h after E. coli +CD73, v105; −CD 14, 34, 45; +HLA AB; −HLA DR     • Dec histo injury and lung edema Day 3   • Do not mimic effects on survival, edema, cytokines, MPO and increase histologic inflammation
  P 5 osteo/adipo/chrondo     • Dec BAL protein MPO Day 3    
  105 cells/mouse       • Dec IL-1α, IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α, MIP-2 in lung homogenates Bays 3 and 7    
          • Dec bacterial CFU in BAL/blood Days 3 and 7    
Sun, 2011 (261) Mouse: IT LPS Primary human umbilical cord MSCs No Xeno • Dec mortality Nonspecified soluble mediators Apoptotic MSCs (mitomycinC treated)
  IT MSCs 4 h after LPS +CD 29, 44, 73; −CD 34, 45, HLAII     • Dec histo injury (3 d)   • Did not mimic MSC results
  P 5–6 osteo/adipo     • Dec BAL TNF-α, MIP-2, IFNγ (3 d)    
  106 cells/mouse       • Inc BAL IL-10 (3 d)    
          • Dec BAL Th1 CD4 T cells    
          • Inc BAL CD4/CD25/Foxp3 Tregs    
Gupta, 2012 (262) Mouse: IT E. coli Mouse BM MSCs (Tulane) No Syn • Inc survival 48 h TNF-α released from alveolar macrophages stimulates lipocalin release from MSCs 3T3 fibroblasts
  IT MSCs 4 h after E. coli       • Dec histo injury 48 h   • Did not mimic any results
  P 5–10       • Inc bacterial clearance    
  7.5 × 105 cells/mouse       • Dec BAL MPO, TNF-α, MIP-2 at 8 h    
          • No change in BAL IL-10    
          • No change in BAL defensins, collectins, SPD    
Ionescu, 2012 (264) Mouse: IT LPS Mouse BM MSCs No Syn • Dec BAL total cells, PMN Conditioned media mimicked MSC effects Primary lung fibroblasts or fibroblasgts conditioned media
  MSCs or CM 4 h after LPS +Sca1, CD29, 105; −CD11b, 154, 31; −CD 34,44,45; −ckit; −Flk1     • Dec lung edema Secretome analyses and neutralizing antibodies suggest IGF1 as a responsible mediator • Did not mimic effects
  P 2–8 Osteo/adipo     • Dec histologic injury    
          • Inc M2 phenotype    
Islam, 2012 (247) Mouse: IT LPS Mouse BM MSCs 1) MSCs from Cx43 mutant mice Syn • MSCs localize in alveolar spaces Mitochondrial transfer from MSCs to type 2 cells MSC from Connexin 43 mutants and those treated with siRISP
  MSCs 4 h after LPS   2) MSCs treatedwith SiRISP   • Form connexin 43 bridges to type 2 cells   • Did not mimic results 3T3 fibroblasts: down-regulated Cx43 expression
  P 2       • Increased lung (type 2) ATP    
  106 cells/mouse       • Improved surfactant production    
          • Dec histo injury, albumin leak, BAL inflamm cells    
Krasnodembskaya, 2012 (292) Mouse IT E. coli Human BM MSCs No Xeno • Dec BAL total cells, PMN, protein, MIP2 LL37 release by MSCs Human lung fibroblasts
  IT MSCs 4 h after LPS Texas (Tulane) MSC     • Dec bacterial growth in lung homogenates Effects lost with use of neutralizing anti-LL37 antibody No release of hBD2 or 3, lipocalin, SPD • Did not mimic effects
  P 5 Core     • Inc antibacterial activity of BAL fluid    
  10 × 106 cells/mouse       • Prestimulated MSC conditioned media decreased bacterial growth in in vitro culture    
Nazarov, 2012 (302) Explant human lung IT Human BM MSCs No Allo • Normalized alveolar fluid clearance siRNAs to HGF, KGF, or FGF-β; each partly inhibited MSCs effects Normal human lung fibroblasts did not mimic effects
  LPS IT MSCs 1 h after LPS Primary hCMSCs +CD73, 105, 117; +SSEA 3/4; −CD45,133,HLA-DR; +osteo/adipo     • Dec BAL fluid PMN, IL-1β, IL-8    
  P < 10       • hCMSCs equivalent to BM-MSCs    
  5 × 106 cells       • Partial restoration of fluid transport and permeability in primate AT2 monolayers    
          • cMSCs more effective than BM-MSCs    
Lee, 2013 (303) Explant human lung IT E. coli Human BM MSCs Texas (Tulane) MSC Core No Allo MSCs 1 h after E. coli KGF mimicked effects Normal human lung fibroblasts did not mimic effects
  IT or IV MSCs or 1 h after LPS       • Improved fluid clearance    
  P < 10       • Dec PMN, IL-1β, IL-8    
  5–10 × 106 cells       • Improved histologic injury    
          • Inc bacterial killing    
          • Dec bacteremia    
          • Labeled MSCs migrated to alveolar spaces in injured lungs    
          • IV or IT MSCs had equiv effects    
          • Inc macrophage bacterial phagocytosis    
          • No effect on macrophage phenotype    
          MSCs 2 h after higher E. coli dose    
          • Improved fluid clearance    
          • Dec PMN    
          • Dec bacteremeia    
          • Additive effects with antibiotic    
Zhang, 2013 (265) Mouse: IT LPS IT MSCs Mouse or human adipose MSCs −CD11b, 31, 45; +CD29,106 +osteo/adipo No Syn and Xeno 24 or 72 h after LPS Improved body weight Soluble mediators No
  4 h after LPS       Dec BAL fluid protein and albumin    
  P 3       Dec BAL fluid total cells, PMNs, MPO activity    
  7.5 × 105 cells/mouse       Dec histo injury    
          Dec mRNA (lung homogenates: IL-1α, IL-1β, MIP-1α, MIP-2, TNF-α    
          No change in mRNA for IL-10    
          Dec lung homogenate IL-1β protein and inc in IL-10 (mMSC only)    
          In general mMSC more effective than hMSCs    
Firinci, 2011 (266) Mouse: ovalbumin sensitization Days 0, 14, 21 Mouse BM-adherent cells; +CD73, 105; −CD45; no diff info provided No Syn • No engraftment None (paracrine) No
  Challenge: ova aerosol 3 d/wk for 8 wk MSCs IV Day 75       • Some dec in histo injury    
  P 2            
  1 × 106 cells/mouse            
  Harvest Day 82 (engraftment?) and Day 89 (lung assessment)       • Dec serum NO    
Kapoor, 2011 (268) In vitro study Human BM Healthy donors P4–5 +CD29, 44, 105 -CD14, 45- No Allo • Dec PMBC prolif (3[H]-Thymidine) None (paracinre and cell–cell contact) No
  Peripheral blood monocyte cells from 7 patients with allergic asthma and four healthy control subjects       • Dec IFN-γ    
  Four dust mite sensitive/nonasthmatic       • Inc IL-10    
          • Inc PMBC prolif in response to tetanus toxoid    
          • No induction of TReg cells    
          • Dec DM induced DC maturation    
          • Dec response to dust mite antigen    
          • Required cell–cell contact    
          • Dec response to repeat challenge    
Kavanaugh and Mahon, 2011 (269) Mouse: ovalbumin-induced acute allergic airways inflammation; ovalbumin sensitization Days 0, 7, 14 MSCs IV Days 7/14 Mouse (FVB) BM; +Sca1; low CD44, 106; −CD 11b, 11c, 34,35,117; osteo/adipo/Chondro   Allo • Dec histo injury None (paracrine) PFA-fixed MSCs
  P 4–9       • Dec BAL total cells, Eos, Macs   • No effect on histo, BAL except BAL IL-13
  5 × 106 cells/infusion       • Dec BAL IL-4, IL-13   • Inc splenocyte IL-4, dec splenocyte IL-10, IL-13
  ChallengeDays 25–27; harvest Day 28       • Inc BAL IL-10    
          • Dec splenocyte IL-4    
          • Inc splenocyte IL-13, IL-10    
Lee, 2011 (270) Mouse toluene disocyanate inhalation induced acute airways inflammation MSCs IV Day Rat BM MSCs and adherent cells CD44+, CD45+ No Xeno • Dec BAL total cells None No
  P 8       • Dec BAL macrophage, PMN, Eos    
  105 cells/mouse       • Dec histologic injury    
          • Dec goblet cells    
          • Dec peribronchial collagen and SMA deposition    
          • Dec epithelial proliferation    
          • Dec airway hyper responsiveness (Penh)    
Ou-Yang, 2011 (271) Mouse: ovalbumin-induced acute allergic airways inflammation Mouse BM; +CD90, Sca1; −CD44, 45 AMD3100-treated MSCs Syn • Dec histo injury None (paracrine) AMD3100-treated MSCs retained less in lung
  Ovalbumin sensitization Days 1, 8       • Improved lung mechanics    
  MSCs IV Day 12       • Dec BAL total cells, Eos    
  P 2–-4;       • Dec BAL fluid b-hexosaminidase    
  2 × 106 cells/mouse       • Dec BAL IL-4, IL-5, IL-9    
          • Inc BAL IFN-γ    
          • Lung homogenate: dec IL-4, inc IFN-γ    
Ionescu, 2012 (272) Mouse ovalbumin; acute model sensitization Days 1, 6; challenge Days 11, 13; harvest Day 15 Mouse BM MSCs CD45+ vs. CD45 Adiponectin KO MSCs Syn • Dec histo injury: acute and chronic Adiponectin release by MSCs Primary mouse lung fibroblasts
  Chronic model sensitization Days 1, 8, 15, 29; first challenge Days 22, 24, 27; second challenge Days 31, 33, 36; harvest Day 38   WT MSCs with neutralizing adiponectin Ab   • Dec BAL total cells, Eos, PMN, Macs: acute and chronic   • CM mimics decrease in BAL total cells and PMNs
  MSC-conditioned medium on all challenge days       • Dec airways resistance and elastance: acute dec elastance: chronic   • Does not mimic other effects
  P 2       • Restored salbutamol responsiveness: chronic   APN KO MSCs and si knockdown of APN in wildtype MSCs lose MSC effects
          • Dec BAL IL-4, IL-13; inc IL-10: acute and chronic    
          • Promote alveolar mac M2 phenotype    
          • Inc Tregs in lung    
Bronchopulmonary dysplasia              
Chang, 2011 (273) Neonatal rats: hyperoxia (95% FiO2) × 14 d Human umbilical cord MSCs from a single donor No Xeno Day 14 Paracrine No
  IT MSCs postnatal Day 5       • Inc survival    
  P 5       • Dec alveolar injury    
  103, 104, or 105 cells/rat       • Dec apoptosis    
          • Dec myeloperoxidase    
          • Dec mRNA TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, TGF-β    
          • Dose-dependent effect    
Piero, 2012 (274) Neonatal rats: hyperoxia (95% O2) post notes Day 4–14 Human cord blood MSCs No Xeno Prevention Paracrine Primary neonatal rat dermal fibroblast
  IT MSCs or Conditioned media Day 4 or Day 14 Human cord blood peri vascular cells     • MSC Day 4/lung harvest Day 22    
  P 3 Conditioned media     • Partial preservation of alveolar growth    
  6 × 105 cells/rat       • Prevent decrease in lung compliance    
          • MSC Day 14/lung harvest Day 35    
          • Restore normal alveolar architecture    
          Long term    
          • MSC Day 4/lung harvest 6 mo    
          • No obvious lesions on CT scans    
          • Improved exercise capacity    
          Conditioned media    
          • Daily, Day 4–Day 21    
          • Improved alveolar architecture    
          • Improved lung function    
          • Attenuated decrease in pulm vasculature    
          • Prevented arterial wall remodeling    
          • Dec RV hypertrophy    
Tropea, 2012 (277) Neonatal mice: hyperoxia × 14 d   No Syn • Inc # of BASCs Stimulation of endothelial activation? Pulmonary artery smooth muscle cell and CM did not mimic effects
  IV MSCs on Day 4       • Inc growth and differentiation of BASC Effects mimicked by MSC conditioned medium  
  5 × 104 cells            
Zhang H, 2012 (275) Neonatal rat: hyperoxia × 7 d Rat BM: +CD29, 44, 90; −CD11b, 34, 45; adipo/osteo Lentiviral transduced to express GFP Syn Reversed weight loss Paracrine No
  IV MSCs Day 7;harvest Days 1, 3, 7, 14       Dec histologic injury    
  P       Dec TNF-α,TGF-β in lung homogenate    
  105 cells/rat       Inc IL-10 in lung homogenate    
Zhang X, 2012 (276) Neonatal mice: hyperoxia × 45 d Mouse BM: +CD105, 106; −CD34, 45; adipo/osteo No Syn Inc survival Paracrine No
  IP MSCs on Day 7; harvest on Day 45       Dec histo injury    
  P       Dec TGF-β, Col-1α, TIMP-1 in lung homogenates    
  105 cells/mouse       Dec serum IL-1, TNF-α    
Wascak, 2012 (249) Neonatal rats: Hyperoxia (95%) × 14 d BM MSCs Adipo/Chond/Osteo MSCs exposed to hyperoxia (95%) for 24 h Syn MSC-O2CM > MSC-CM Soluble mediators STC-1 Primary rat lung fibroblasts Did not mimic effects
  IV MSC conditioned media for 21 d starting on Day 0       Dec pulm HTN, RV hypertrophy    
  P       Dec histologic injury    
  Cells/rat       Preconditioning of MSCs    
          No change in antioxidant capacity    
          Inc STC-1 expression    
          No change in HGF, KGF, VEGF, IGF expression    
Sustsko, 2013 (278) Neonatal rat: hyperoxia (90%) Day 2–16 BM MSCs from normal and GFP rats No Allo D16 and D30 assessments Paracrine No
  MSCs or conditioned media (CM) on D9       Improved pulmonary hemodynamics    
  P       Improved oxygenation    
  2 × 106 cells/rat       Improved lung function (PenH)    
          Dec histo injury/improved alveolarization    
          Inc capillary density    
          Dec mRNA for IL-1β, IL-6    
          Inc mRNA for TTF-1    
          MSC = CM    
          D100 assessment    
          Improved histo injury (MSC > CM)    
          Inc capillary density (MSC = CM)    
          Improved RVSP (MSC only)    
          No effect on RVH    
Hoffman, 2011 (279) Mouse: IT elastase Mouse BM (Tulane) No Syn • Higher retention of L-MSCs in lung Nonpostulated No
  IV MSCs 6–7 wk after elastase Lung MSCs from primary explant cultures     • Dec histo injury (MLI) at 22–28 d    
  P 7 Flow characterization?          
  106 cells/mouse Adipo/chondro/osteo          
Huh, 2011 (417) Rat: 6-mo cigarette smoke exposure Total BMCs: freshly isolated and filtered Male cells into female recipients Syn • 2 mo after BMCs Soluble mediators CM normal human lung fibroblasts and human pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells did not inc proliferation of the HPAECs
  BM cells, MSCs, or conditioned media Rat BM MSCs +CD73, 90; −CD34, 45     • Improvement evident after 1 wk    
  P 4 MSCs +adipo/osteo     • Dec histo injury    
  6 × 106 BMCs vs. 6 × 105 MSCs/rat CM from P3–5 MSCs     • Enhanced prolif and dec apoptosis (AT2 and vasc endo cells)    
          • Inc aKT phosphorylation    
          • Inc KGF    
          • Inc number of small blood vessels    
          • Dec pulm HTN    
          • MSCs and MSC CM had similar effects on improving lung histo and number of small arteries    
          • MSCs but not MSC-CM improved pulm HTN    
          • MSC CM inc in vitro proliferation of human pulmonary artery endothelial cells    
          • No significant engraftment of either BMC or MSC    
Schweitzer, 2011 (281) Mouse: cigarette smoke exposure for 24 wk Human ASCs Mouse BM MSCs No Syn and xeno • Minimal cell retention in lung dec over time with CS exposure Paracrine effects No
  NOD-SCID mouse (for xenogeneic) human ASCs 3 d after VEGFR blockade Characterization?     • Dec histo injury (MLI, alveolar volume) and caspase activation    
  MSCs IV ever other week during last 2 moof CS exposure       • Dec weight loss, inc subcutaneous fat    
  P < 3       • Dec BAL mac/PMN    
  5 × 105 cell/infusion       • Dec lung homogenate caspase 3, p38 MAPK phos, JNK, AKT    
          • Dec CS induced BM suppression    
          • Dec VEFGR blockade-induced air space enlargement    
          • Human ASCs decreased histologic injury and caspase 3 activation after VEGFR blockade    
          • Emboli if used > 5 × 105 MSCs or if > passage 3    
          • hASC CM inc wound repair in cultured lung endothelial cells dec with water soluble CS extract    
Ingenito, 2012 (234) Sheep: IT elastase 5 doses over 20 wk Sheep lung-derived MSCs; No Syn • Inc lung tissue mass and perfusion Paracrine effects Inc epithelial proliferation in in vitro coculture expts No
  L-MSCs in fibinogen/fibrin/poly-l-lysine scaffolds +S100A4 −fibrillin 1; CD45, α-SMA, col I     • Inc histo cellularity, cell retention, ECM    
  P 5 Adipo/chrondo/osteo     • Improved lung mechanics    
  5–10 × 106 cells/scaff            
Kim, 2012 (282) Mouse: lung fibroblasts; in vitro CSE exposure Rat BM Plastic adherent Yes (ISCT) Xeno Syn In vitro CSE exposure FGF2 release by MSCs Conditioned media from RF2-6 cells, HFASMCS, NHLFs
  Rats: in vivo cigarette smoke 8-wk rat, 5 d/wk, 6 mo CM P3–5 from 90% confluent cells     • Dec in CSE induced capsase 3, p53, p21, p27, Akt, p-Akt expression   • Did not mimic effects
  IV MSC or CM 2× wk IV for 5 wk starting at Week 8; killed 3 wk later       • Inc in CSE-induced dec ECM expression and collagen gel contraction    
  P 3–5       • Dec in CSE-induced COX-2 and PGE synthase 2 expression    
          • PI3K inhibitor partially reversed the effects    
          In vivo CS exposure restored fibroblast proliferation, inc Akt    
Katsha, 2011 (280) Mouse: IT elastase Mouse BM MSCs; +CD 73, 90, 105; −CD 11b, 45; adipo/osteo si EGF–treated MSCs Syn • Dec histo injury at Days 7,14,21 after MSCs EGF production by MSCs induces SLPI in cultured MLE-12 cells BLKCL4 lung fibroblasts
  IT MSCs 14 d after injury       • Dec BAL IL-1β at Days 3 and 5 after MSCs   • Do not mimic effects
  5 × 105 cells/mouse       • Dec IL-1β mRNA in lung homgenates at Days 1,3,5,7 after MSCs    
  P 5       • Inc EGF, HGF, and SLPI mRNA at various time points after MSCs    
Pulmonary fibrosis              
Saito, 2011 (284) Mouse: IT Bleo IV MSCs 24 h after bleo Mouse BM Lentiviral transduction to express CCL2 inhibitor (7ND) Syn • Improved survival Soluble mediator activating CCL2 pathways No
  P 5–15       • Dec histologic injury    
  5 × 105 cells/mouse       • Dec lung collagen    
          • Dec BAL inflammatory cells    
          • Dec BAL IL-1β, IL-6    
          • 7ND-expressing MSCs more effective than MSCs    
Lim, 2012 (285) Mouse: C56Bl/6, SCID IN bleo Human BM MSCs (Tulane) No Xeno SCID mice None specified No
  MSCs IV 24 h after bleo       • Inc body weight    
  P 3       • Inc tidal volume/lung mechanics    
  1 × 106 cells/mouse       • Dec histo injury    
          • Dec lung collagen (hydroxyproline)    
          • Dec MIP-1α mRNA    
          • Inc TGF-β mRNA    
          • Dec CD45+ cells by histo    
          C57/BL/6 mice    
          • No effect on histo/lung function/collagen/CD45+ cells    
          • Dec MIFMIP-1α, TGF-β, TNF-α mRNA    
Ischemia-reperfusion Injury              
Sun, 2011 (283) Rats: 30 min clamp of left mainstem bronchus and PA Rat adipose adherent cells cultured for 14 d. No Syn • Imp oxygenation 72 h None specified (paracrine effect) No cell controls
  IV MSCs at 1,6, and 24 h Likely a heterogenous mix containing MSCs and EPCs     • Dec histo injury 72 h    
  P +CD 29, 31, 34, 90, 271 others as listed in paper     • Lung homogenates PCR    
  1.5 × 106 cells/infusion       • Dec IL-1β, TNF-α, MMP-9, Bax, caspase 3, endothelin. Inc eNOS, IL-10, adiponection, heme oxygenase, glutathione reductase, gluthione peroxidase, BCL-2    
          • Lung homogenate westerns: dec VCAM-1, ICAM-1, TNF-α, NK-kB, cytosolic cytochrome C, Cx43; Inc HO, mitochondrial cytochrome C    
Pulmonary hypertension              
Jungebluth, 2011 (288) Rat: left pulmonary artery ligation Rat BM No Syn • 12 wk Paracrine No
  IT MSCs immediately after ligation       • Improved pulmonary hemodynamics    
  P?       • Dec RVH    
  6 × 106 cells/rat       • Improved oxygenation    
          • Improved lung mechanics (penH)    
          • Improved exercise capacity    
          • Decreased histo injury    
          • Dec liver damage    
Liang, 2011 (289) Mouse: chronic hypoxia 8–10% Mouse: BM WT mice KO mice No Syn • WT   Lung fibroblasts
  MSCs IV 5 wk to 2 wk Heme oxygenase     • HO−/−   • Did nott mimic MSC effects
  P SPC-HO mouse     • SPC HO reverse established disease    
  Cells/mouse Dox-inducible lung Ho-1     Nl RV pressure    
          Dec RV hypotrophy    
          Prevented RV infarction    
          • Dec hypoxic induced inc in MCP-1, IL-6    
          • Dec hypoxic induced dec in IL-IR-N    
          • CM led to dec PASMC proliferation    
Hansmann, 2012 (290) Mice: hyperoxia × 2 wk Mouse BM +CD73, 90, 105; +ckit, Sca-1; −CD11b, 14, 19, 31, 34; −CD45, 79α No Syn • 4 wk Soluble mediators Primary mouse lung fibroblasts or fibroblasts conditioned medium
  MSCs or CM IV at 2 wk followed by 2–4 wk normoxia       Dec alveolar injury, vascular remodeling   • Did not mimic MSC or MSC-CM effects
  P       Inc number pulm blood vessels    
  Cells/mouse       • 6 wk    
          Normalized lung function    
          Reversed pulm HTN, RV hypertrophy    
          Dec peripheral artery muscularization    
Lee, 2012 (291) Neonatal mice: Hypoxia-induced pulm HTN (8.5% O2 × 48 h) Mouse BM Human cord blood (Wharton’s jelly) No Syn • Mouse MSC CM or exosomes miRNA-16, -21, let7b transfer via exosomes Mouse primary dermal fibroblasts
  MSCs, CM, or exosomes before hypoxia       Dec BAL macrophage, MCP-1, HIMF, FIZZ   • CM or exosomes partly decreased injuury
  P       • Mex-depleted media    
  Cells/mouse       Didnot mimic effects    
          • Two doses (before hypoxia and at 4 d)    
          Partial reduction in pulm HTN, RV hypertrophy, lung vascular remodeling    
          • Single high dose    
          More potent effect    
          Dec stat 3, miR-17    
          • Human CB MSCs    
          Dec stat 3 in pulmonary artery endothelial cells    
Krasnodembskaya, 2012 (292) Mouse: IP P. aeruginosa Human BM Texas (Tulane) MSC Core CD13, CD45 Xeno • Inc survival   3T3 fibroblasts
  IV MSCs 18r after P. aeruginosa       • Dec blood CFU PA   • Did not replicate results
  P 3–10       • No change in blood TNF-α, MIP-2, IL-10    
  106 cells/mouse       • Inc blood monocyte phagocytic activity    
          • Inc C5a    
          • Inc spleen M2 (CD163+, CD206+)    
          • Inc blood PAI-1    
          • Inc platelets    
Other critical illness or autoimmune-induced lung diseases: hemorrhagic shock, lupus, silicosis, ventilator-induced lung injury              
Curley, 2011 (293) Rat: injurious ventilation, insp pressure 35 cm, resp rate 18, Peep 0 goal: > 50% dec in static compliance Primary rate BM MSCs No Syn • Improved oxygenation at 48 h Soluble mediators as conditioned media mimicked all effects • Primary rat dermis fibroblasts
  MSCs IV immediately after injury and then again at 24 h       • Improved lung compliance at 48 h Parallel in vitro studies with human BM MSC CM CM improved A549 wound healing • Neither fibroblasts or fibroblast CM mimicked effects in vivo
  P       • Dec edema at 48 h Anti-KGF but not anti-HGFb neutralizing abs abrogated effect  
  2 × 106 cells/rat       • Dec histo injury at 48 h    
          • Dec BAL protein total cells, PMNs at 48 h    
          • Dec BAL TNF-α, inc BAL IL-10 at 48 h    
Pati, 2011 (294) Rats: controlled bleed (hemorrhagic shock) Lonza primary human MSCs (BM?); +CD44, 105; −CD31 No Xeno • Dec histo injury 4 d MSCs and MSC CM inhibits VEGFA-induced perm in cultured human pulm endothelial cells No cell controls
  MSCs with fluid resuscitation IV 1 and 24 h after bleed       • Dec lung edema 4 d Restores β-catenin and VE-cadherin expression MSCs but not MSC  
  P 1       • Preserved lung VE chadherin, claudin 1, occludin, and PDFG-β at 4 d CM inhibit inflamm cell adherence to PECs Dec TNF-α stimulated inc in PEC VCAM-1 and ICAM-1 expression  
  2 × 106 cells/dose/rat       • No effect on MAP Cell–cell contact required  
          • Dec serum TNF-α, MCP-1, MIP-1a at 2 h    
          • Inc serum IL-10 at 2 h    
          • No change in lung or serum cytokines at 96 h    
Chimenti, 2012 (295) Rat (Sprague-Dawley): injurious ventilation, 80 breaths/min at 25 ml/kg Vt Lewis Rat BM MSCs Texas (Tulane) MSC core No Allo • 3-h analyses Soluble mediators No
  IV or IT MSCs 30 min before injurious ventilation       • Dec histo injury    
  P 5       • Improved fluid clearance    
  106 cells/rat       • Dec BALF total protein, PMN, IL-1β, MIP-2    
          • Dec VCAM1 expression on histo sections    
          • Inc IL-1-RA mRNA in lung homogenates    
          • No effect on HGF or KGF mRNA    
          • IT and IV MSCs produce comparable results    
Wang, 2012 (297) Rat: sodium taurocholate-induced acute pancreatitis related ALI Sprague-Dawly rat BM MSCs No Syn • Dec pulmonary edema Nonspecified (soluble mediators) No cell controls
          • Dec histologic lung inflammation    
  P 3       • Dec lung MPO activity    
  106 cells/rat       • Dec TNF-α and substance P mRNA in lung homogenates    

Definition of abbreviations: ASC = adipose-derived mesenchymal stromal cell; ALI = acute lung injury; Ang 1 = angiopoietin 1; BAL = bronchoalveolar lavage; BALF = bronchoalveolar lavage fluid; BASC = bronchoalveolar stem cells; BM = bone marrow; CFU = colony forming units; CM = conditioned media; Dec = decreased; GFP = green fluorescent protein; hASC = human amniotic fluid–derived stem cell; hCMSC = human chorionic stromal cell; HGF = hepatocyte growth factor; histo = histological; HO = heme oxygenase; HTN = hypertension; IM = intramuscular; IN = intranasal; Inc = increaesd; iNOS = inducible nitric oxide synthase; IT = intratracheal; IV = intravenous; KGF = keratinocyte growth factor; KO = knockout; LPS = lipopolysaccharide; MSC = mesenchymal stromal (stem) cell; MIF = migration inhibitory factor; MPO = myeloperoxidase; NOD = nonobese diabetic; OP = oropharyngeal; P = passage; PA = pulmonary artery; PLF = pleural lavage fluid; PMBC = peripheral blood mononuclear cell; Pulm = pulmonary; RV = right ventricular; SPC = surfactant protein C; SSEA = stage-specific embryonic antigen 1; TNF-α = tumor necrosis factor-α; VEGFA = vascular endothelial growth factor A; WT = wild type.